Six skills business leaders should learn

Here are six skills business leaders should make a priority.

Being able to understand data and turn it into profit

More than ever before in history, business owners are swimming in data. Understanding how to read this mass of information will help you understand not only who visits your website but also how they arrived there and what they’re looking for. Understanding Google Analytics and social analytics means understanding your customers.

Doing more with less

In a world with increasingly limited resources, business leaders of the future are going to need to be able to adapt to changing circumstances and do more with less. Whether it’s being less wasteful with office supplies or adopting more radical green technologies, businesses must learn to be sustainable to survive. Take a look at how Irish SMEs could make the most out of green opportunities.

Being a global citizen

A modern business deals with employees, investors, suppliers and consumers from all over the world, so an ability to understand different cultures and spot opportunities internationally is a useful skill. The business leaders of tomorrow will need to identify the emerging markets of tomorrow and know how to sell in these places. This is especially relevant for producers in a small economy like Ireland, who often must look overseas for growth. See here how Irish brand Nurtiplenish is trying to break into global markets  

Dealing with political uncertainty 

The businesses of tomorrow will be responsible for driving new technologies in new markets, and dealing with any political resistance that this may come with it. Uber is an example of a new business that has had to manage political resistance as it expanded globally, while issues like Brexit and the election of Donald Trump to the position of the President of the U.S.A can cause political impacts that even small Irish SMEs must be prepared to deal with into the future. 

READ MORE: A guide to exporting.

Converting information into a real story

In a landscape continually flooded with more and more data, it’s easy to become lost in the mountain of information. The ability to make sense of the endless stream of graphs and figures, spot the critical points and turn this into a compelling story for investors, staff and consumers will be increasingly valued into the future. Learn how to use Google Analytics here.

Adapting to the mind-machine interface

As more and more tasks in the workforce become automated, the managers of the future could find themselves overseeing the work of machines more so than employees. In such a scenario, the long valued skill of being a good ‘people person’ will become less relevant than understanding new technologies and working harmoniously with machines. 

READ: Skills that even robots won’t be able to replace.

Article by Peter Flanagan. Images from Shutterstock.
