Stressed out colleagues, too much work in the work pile, too many unproductive meetings and the awful politics; welcome to work. Here’s how to reduce your stress during hectic days.
Own your stress
Owning your stress sounds a bit crazy, but seriously, embrace it. Studies have shown that viewing stress in a positive way can help improve performance. Those who perceive their anxiety/stress in a positive manner felt they had more energy and more motivation. They were also less likely to feel burned out. Own your stress, don’t let it own you.
“Taking deep breaths helps to lower the heart rate and your blood pressure. As your breaths get deeper and deeper, your muscles will begin to relax.”
Improve your posture
Your mother knew what she was talking about. Do you remember when she told you to sit up straight? Well, poor posture at work can lead to tension, back pain and general slouchy feelings. What do all of these things lead to? You guessed it, stress. Studies have found that employees with poor posture are often less productive at work. So sit up straight, don’t slouch and watch your stresses drift away.
Take deep breaths
Breathing can help dramatically lower your stress. You don’t have to take a long break. Just take five minutes, sit up straight (remember, posture), inhale through your nose, hold, and exhale through your mouth. Taking deep breaths helps to lower the heart rate and your blood pressure. As your breaths get deeper and deeper, your muscles will begin to relax.
“Sitting at a desk for an extended period of time increases stress levels. Get up off your chair and step away from the computer.”

It’s not illegal to laugh at work, you know? Talk to somebody who makes you laugh or better yet while you’re on your lunch break watch a funny video or something that’s guaranteed to make you laugh. Laughing releases endorphins into the bloodstream that help lighten your mood. Not only will your stress begin to disappear but you’ll feel much more comfortable and settled in your surroundings.
Move about
Sitting at a desk for an extended period of time increases stress levels. Get up off your chair and step away from the computer. Get some water or better yet, chat with a colleague. You might as well be productive while you’re moving around. At lunchtime go for a stroll. It won’t do you any harm. By moving around, you’re helping to decrease the build-up of tension in your muscles which of course leads to stress.