Why are employers gathering diversity data?

44% of public sector organisations in Ireland are more likely to ask for diversity data compared to 19% of private sector organisations.

Collecting diversity data is a key focus for many organisations aiming to enhance their diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives and build more diverse and inclusive workplace.  

But are prospective and existing employees fully on board with this?

“Collecting this type of data at the hiring point is essential for building a talent hub with the necessary diversity to achieve equal representation in specific areas of the organisation”

New research published by recruitment firm Hays Ireland, reveals that 44% of public sector organisations are more likely to ask for diversity data compared to 19% of private sector organisations. 

Who is responsible for diversity data?

The survey of 1,000 Irish workers carried out earlier this year found that 59% of employers currently don’t request diversity data from job applications. Of those that do, large organisations are more likely to request the information (28%) compared to SME’s (17%).  

According to the survey, 77% of professionals are happy to provide personal diversity data during the application process, while 23% are uncomfortable doing so.  

The survey found that applicants are most comfortable providing data around their gender/gender identity, their age, and their ethnicity/nationality. However, they are less comfortable providing data around their socio-economic background, their sexual orientation, and their mental health status. 

More than half (53%) of professionals say they would be more open to sharing their personal diversity data during the application process if the employer provided specifics about how exactly the information will be used. Additionally, 35% would be more inclined to share this data if they were assured it would be handled responsibly.

However, just over a quarter (26%) of employees say there is nothing an employer could do to encourage them to share more personal diversity data during the application process.

Employers: Be open about your intentions

According to Hays Ireland, when collecting diversity data employers should: ensure that participation is voluntary, include ‘prefer not to say’ options, and emphasise that responses will remain anonymous.

They should also clearly explain that the data will be used to promote open and inclusive recruitment and to advance the organisation’s DE&I initiatives, encouraging potential employees to feel comfortable when disclosing this type of data.  

“As diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) continues to be a key priority for organisations, we are seeing an increase in awareness and implementations of DE&I initiatives,” said Hays Ireland managing director Maureen Lynch.

“Despite professionals’ willingness to share personal diversity data, less than half of employers request this information during the hiring process. Collecting this type of data at the hiring point is essential for building a talent hub with the necessary diversity to achieve equal representation in specific areas of the organisation.  

“Our research highlights that employers still have work to do to ensure applicants feel confident that their data will be used appropriately. Clearly explaining the purpose of diversity data collection and demonstrating the positive actions taken and improvements made are crucial for fostering safety and confidence among both current and prospective employees.”  

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