Why should I use Facebook for business?

Facebook is the biggest social media channel your small business can use. Here’s why you should use it. 

More than two million of Ireland’s 2.6 million Facebook users are connected to at least one Irish SME and more than 55 million people from around the world are connected to a business in Ireland.

“With 84% of Irish users connected to a local business it shows the incredible appetite of people to support their local economy and community,” says Facebook.

Here are ten good reasons to use Facebook for your business.

To promote your business

If your business has a strong identity that is highly visible on Facebook, you will get an audience. While you can set up a Facebook page for free, you may need to advertise to get the reach you want.

To create a brand personality

Boring, business-specific posts won’t grab people’s attention. Express yourself online, and let customers see your business’s personality.

To engage with existing and potential customers

This is an obvious reason companies use Facebook, but it’s important. If you don’t engage, who will know about your business?

To tap into the largest online consumer network

Research has shown that three-quarters of Facebook users have some connection to a local business.

To connect with the local and global community

Depending on the type of business you run, you’ll want to engage people in different areas. Facebook lets you do that easily.

To run promotions or events

Organise some Facebook-specific events and giveaways, and watch interest in your business rise.

To learn from the audience

Communication is a two-way street, and Facebook gives people the chance to engage directly with brands. Don’t be afraid of what people have to say about you.

To share product or service information

If you are launching a new product, spreading the word on Facebook is an excellent way of letting a vast amount of people know about it.

To drive traffic to your website

Generating interest in your product or service through Facebook can refer traffic to your website, where you have further branding and communications opportunities.

To boost staff morale

Get your employees involved by encouraging them to contribute to your Facebook posts.

Image: Shutterstock
