Innovation delivers tangible results for Irish SMEs

Spinouts from collaborative research between Irish SMEs and research organisations have generated almost 2,000 jobs not to mention new products and businesses being formed.

Collaborative research projects between companies and Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) continue to play a huge role for businesses to allow them grow sales and remain competitive in global markets.

According to the Annual Knowledge Transfer Survey on knowledge transfer activities in Ireland, a total of 948 collaborative research agreements were signed with businesses ranging from small projects such as Innovation Vouchers to larger-scale research initiatives of which 66% involved SMEs.

“Innovation is key to accelerated growth and our data shows that Enterprise Ireland clients who avail of R&I supports have 1.3 times more domestic sales, 2.5 times higher turnover and 4.7 times greater export”

The survey, which collects data from Ireland’s Higher Education Institutes including eight Universities, five Technological Universities, two Institutes of Technology and two Colleges, also incorporates contributions from Teagasc, the Marine Institute and Irish Manufacturing Research (IMR).  

Critical value of research

There were 723 research consultancy agreements during 2023, projects through which the research results are transferred to companies. Additionally, 148 Consultancy Agreements were signed with non-commercial entities during the year.

The survey reports that 26 spinout companies emerged from nine research performing organisations in 2023. There were also 163 Active Spinout companies registered by the end of 2023 that combined employ 1,845 people.

The survey also highlights the critical value of intellectual property, licensing and assignments. In 2023, a total of 206 licenses, options and assignment (LOAs) were executed, an increase of 16% compared to the previous year. The majority of intellectual property transferred to companies were across Software and Patented IP, representing 40% and 28% respectively.

Investment in research and development remains strong with a total research expenditure of €834m in 2023, an increase of €88m compared to the previous year. The university sector contributed to the majority of the expenditure at 76%, followed by the Technological University and Institutes of Technology sector at 16% and Colleges and State Research Organisations at 8%.

“The Annual Knowledge Transfer Survey 2023 shows a positive trend from 2022, with 1,470 live R&D collaborative projects with industry, an increase of almost 12%, along with an 8% increase in spin-out companies and an 18% increase in jobs in active spin-out companies, which stands at 1,845 for 2023,” said the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment Peter Burke, TD.

“This is a very welcome trajectory. The positive outcomes from the AKTS and the expected impact of the new KT Boost programme, which is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-2027 and the Northern & Western Regional Programme 2021-2027, will help achieve goals set in Impact 2030, Ireland’s Research and Innovation Strategy.”

According to Christian Stafford, head of Knowledge Transfer Ireland (KTI), there have been solid increases in the levels of licensing activity, spinouts, company formations and new products reaching the market.

“Through our support for knowledge transfer activities, Enterprise Ireland supports effective engagement between companies and the research base and stimulates the creation of new companies and founders from research, supporting their journey to High Potential Start-Up status (HPSU).

“KTI’s mission is to is to make it easier for businesses to access publicly funded research. The results of the 11th annual survey published today point to solid increases in levels of licensing activity, spin-out company formation and new products reaching the market. Innovation is key to accelerated growth and our data shows that Enterprise Ireland clients who avail of R&I supports have 1.3 times more domestic sales, 2.5 times higher turnover and 4.7 times greater exports. Enterprise Ireland through KTI will continue its work with the Research Performing Organisation’s on this important agenda of supporting and encouraging innovation across the entire business landscape.”

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