How to tweet successfully at events

Lots of events and conferences are on and coming up, so let the tweeting begin! Social media expert Eimer Duffy from FIT Social Media gives her thoughts on tweeting effectively at events.

Wondering why should you tweet at an event? What are the benefits of doing so? Are you someone who isn’t into Twitter and tweeting?

Way back in the sands of time when I first started attending events, I used to just like and retweet, then realised I should have done my homework and followed the event (and it’s hashtag) and the speakers, sponsors, venue etc before attending. Well, you live and learn, don’t you! Here are a few things to consider to get you started.

Let everyone know before you go!

If you let everyone know you are going to a certain event, chances are they could be going to and you could meet face to face – which is great! Then some people may not know it’s happening and you have let them know about the event which is great. If you hadn’t tweeted then they might have missed it. By tweeting you are going you are also showing you are interested and you get to see what others are tweeting too.

Use the event hashtag

Events generally have their own hashtag which is usually their name or a shortened version with say the last two digits of the current year.

Follow the event, speakers, sponsors and venue

Get on Twitter and find, follow and put them in a Twitter list so that you prepared before you go. You can retweet their tweets beforehand especially if they are tweeting about the upcoming event.

Use images and videos you have taken

Take photos and video if you can whilst the speakers are live and use this footage with your tweet, which is more engaging than a tweet without. Tweet with photos of you and you with other attendees you meet up with. Don’t forget to tag those in the photo.

Do a Twitter LIVE stream

This will really get your followers aware of where you are and what you are attending. Add the event hashtag and a good description before going live.

Like and Retweet

If there are tweets you like and are relevant, then like and retweet. This alerts the person/business you have liked and retweeted, and they are most likely to go and look at who you are and they could like and retweet one of your tweets, but they could also follow you too! Don’t forget to thank people for retweeting!

Be social

Asking and answering questions is a great way to connect with other people or find out information at the event. Ask your followers for feedback about the event.

Make it work a tweet

Overall, tweet before you go, this lets others know you are attending, follow the speakers and sponsors so you are up to speed on who’s attending and what’s happening. By tweeting at an event always use the event hashtag then others will see your tweets, could like and retweet your tweet. Don’t forget to Like and Retweet too!

From there you could find people to follow. This could lead to them following you and from there you can start to build relationships. Asking and answering questions in tweets is great to way to engage. Use images and videos in your tweets and even try to do a Twitter LIVE to show everyone where you are and what’s happening! So, when you go to your next event don’t be shy and give Twitter a try!!! Enjoy!

Written by Eimer Duffy, social media personal trainer and the owner of FIT Social Media

Published: 3 February, 2020